
Empowering Excellence in Music Education

Together, we strive to enrich lives through music, fostering creativity, discipline, and a lifelong appreciation for the arts among students and our community.


New Mission; Deep History

Darien Music Parents’ Association launches fresh in 2024, growing from more than 50 years of history while known as “Darien Music for Youth”.

Darien Music for Youth is a volunteer run 501(c)(3), that funds yearly professional music enrichment concerts which are open to the public. In addition, it runs popular poster and digital media contests in all schools each year and offers merit-based scholarships to DHS seniors pursuing music study.

We support:

  • Annual District Music Festival on rotating schedule (Band-Strings-Choral*) with unique professional music enrichment programming through the year with a free community event in the spring. 
  • All Funding for guest artists, performance/workshop fees, housing, meals, transportation, etc. All marketing, posters and programs, etc.
  • A District-wide poster and graphics contest for students on display on t-shirts and/or at spring show. 
  • One or more student pizza dinners while attending evening workshops/prep for concert(s).
  • Annual $250 Scholarships to Juniors for lessons/workshops.

We need you

As a volunteer-run organization, we need a variety of skills to achieve our mission and support the music programs in Darien.

Whatever your skill or interest, we would love to hear from you.

Become a volunteer

Join us to enrich arts education in Darien Public Schools

We are a passionate group of volunteers who love music and hope to expand what we offer through growing our membership.